An Advanced Bi-Directional Integration between Salesforce and QuickBooks Online

Now you can easily sync QuickBooks Online Customer info and Products data with Salesforce Accounts/Contacts and Products.
ETG QuickBooks Online Connector will also generate QuickBooks invoices from within Salesforce, saving you the hassle of switching between programs.A PDF copy of the Invoice is stored in the Salesforce Contact record, ensuring that your documentation stored in a single location.
ETG QuickBooks Online Connector Features
- Increase Sales Team efficiency by unifying your Opportunities and Invoices
- Bidirectional Synchronization between QuickBooks Online Customers and Products, with Salesforce Accounts, Contacts, Price Books, and Products.
- Generate QuickBooks Invoices from within Salesforce.
The ETG QuickBooks Online Connector is an advanced bi-directional integration between Salesforce and QuickBooks Online. Now you can easily sync QuickBooks Online Customer info and Products data with Salesforce Accounts/Contacts and Products.

- Salesforce Products:
- Sales Cloud: Enterprise, Unlimited, Developer, Performance
- Professional Edition: ONLY works if your company has purchased the optional (a product you buy from Salesforce) API access license. The API Access License is an additional pay-for product ONLY available through your Salesforce Account Executive.
- Essentials Edition: This product is NOT compatible with the Essentials Edition of Salesforce
- A valid QuickBooks Online Account